
The Diassu Safe Military Base is a people matching technology that scans the proprietary Diassu Safe Identity Cameras for individuals on either a watch list or on an authorization list.  

This version is built for special use by either the Police or the U.S. DOD and can be used to protect our military from bad actors in the field. Using proprietary techniques, you know immediately when an escapee or intruder is in the wrong location and you can get to them faster than with other similar products.

By setting up a watch list, the base security can be immediately notified any time an unrecognized person is seen.  New persons of interest can easily be added to the watch lists to be sure that the same person is not scoping out multiple bases.  

Finally, cleared personnel can easily be added to authorization lists which protect certain highly secure areas so that they can transparently perform their duties. 


Closely related to the Diassu Safe Military Base is the Diassu Safe Building

DiassuSafeMilitaryBase.pngThe Diassu Safe Building is based upon the same watch list technology that is used in the Diassu Safe Military Base and can be used to protect important military assets like high value military jets.  It can protect buildings like the the White House, our congress and our top-secret and clandestine services outposts.   Imagine being alerted immediately when something is wrong by the Diassu Safe Building the next time an intruder is near!


The Diassu Safe Building client search feature allows a search based upon a reference image so that all incidents can be listed for that image.  

The authentication feature allows every camera to be a checkpoint such that people that don't belong can be reacted to immediately.  The scalability of this solution is designed for more than 2 million cameras.  After the non-dilutive funding that we are asking for, the AI watch-list catalogs will be able to  handle over 5 million images for each individual authorization or watch list.  Our R&D team is working on upgrading the TRL-4/5 product we have now to a TRL-6 product and is working on an auto-learning system so that large initial image data loads can be avoided.

Finally, the current solution allows each camera to be a virtual security guard effectively protecting the assets assigned to that camera group.   Please speak to our founder at 650-284-9575 or contact for a demo today.