Diassu Proven Software Solutions

Future government customers require proven software bases that are Hack-Proof. The software will be proven using logical proofs to prove each line is doing what is specified.  For the past 10 years we have been hard at work to create this un-hackable platform to protect the United States against a Cyber Attack.

In light of these requirements and in light of the fact that it was way too easy for us to break into the cloud platform that Diassu Facial Recognition was running on,  we began to do basic and applied research into how to solve this problem once and for all.  Other vendors have released unproven code, but we are still hard at work and will not relent until it is all proven safe.  This research has lead us to attempt to partner with the U.S. government to further advance our platform and build a completely hack-proof Facial Recognition platform down to even the hardware.